Monday 24 June 2013

My calling to Advocacy

I just received this as a private message from a friend of mine. I had tears in my eyes when I read this. Thank you.  You know who you are.

"Hi there,
Just wanted to let you know that I appreciate your blog. I know in a lot of ways you feel you don't understand people but you are really opening my eyes (and my heart). Some of your journey that you have shared has me quite emotional, in the areas where you have been mistreated and shamed. Originally I started reading to understand my brother more (aspergers, I know not the same but it is the only resource I have found that clicks, if that makes sense?) But am finding myself more tolerant and understanding of pretty much everyone, neurotypical and neuro unique (not sure of the correct term, so this is mine).
You know we need different skills and weaknesses to be "complete" within friendships, society, pretty much everywhere.
Now I am rambling a bit. But the gist of this is that I think you are awesome (exactly as you are!) And I appreciate you. Thanks so much."

Thank you so much for coming to me and sending me this message. It means a lot and it has given me a boost in confidence. At times I wonder if I am doing the right thing by being so open and making myself vulnerable but then I remember that my story will help others too.

One of my favourite quotes is this: Vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity, innovation and change. Dr. Brene Brown.

I watched the two videos below more than a year ago and they were the catalyst for change in my life. I began to be more open about things and stop hiding behind my shame and vulnerability. 

My inspiration:

Dr Brene Brown: Listening to shame

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